Sorry, you have breast cancer.......

The year was 2015, Easter weekend. That phrase darkened our days which resonated to our immediate and extended family. Later that week, my brother in-law Dom took initiative to introduce us to a fuzzy bearded gentleman by the name of Jack Kungel. We spoke to this gentleman, and he took the time to open our eyes educate us about the numerous ways this plant could promote healing via “The Cannabinoid System”. Jack became my sensei and took me under his wing.

We were gifted some cannabis flower and syringes of Full Extract Cannabis Oil. We later were taught to grow and make our own medicine. As a 20-year commercial organic mushroom grower, I loved growing. With the aide and direction from Lumpy and Jack, I started growing cannabis. Oh boy was it a journey, and now I am continuing to heal vicariously through the sacred healers network……




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